RII’s Working Papers


N 223 : Globalisation, organisation of labour and evolution of capitalism. Elements of analysis, Sophie BOUTILLIER, Beatriz CASTILLA RAMOS

N 222 : Transition of local production systems: State and market. The case of Gdansk region, Maria LOREK

N 221 : The use of intellectual property rights in French craft enterprises, Blandine LAPERCHE

N 220 : A critical approach of classical doctrine of underdevelopment, Eric Thosun MANDRARA

N 219 : Responsibility despite charity. Between the actors of the social economy, Clotaire MOULOUNGUI

N 218 : Cameroonian women and marital cybermigration in France: An analysis of the socio-economic impact of the new migration dynamics, Brice Arsène MANKOU, Sophie BOUTILLIER

N 217 : Ethical finance: Oxymoron or realutopie?, Rémy VOLPI

N 216 : Banks efficiency and productivity in the Waemu area in a context of financial reforms. An application of the DEA method, Hodonou DANNON

N 215: The new mercantilism and its crisis. Elements for discussion,  Dimitri UZUNIDIS, Dimitris PATELIS

N 214: The development of territories and local democracy, Elodie VALENTIN

N 213: The issue of the insertion of the AZF countries in the world trade, Emmanuel MOUSSONE

N 212: The world according to Girard, Rémy VOLPI

N 211: The economic policy in the globalization: from the denial to the revival, Lamia YACOUB

N 210: After the East, the West. The collapse of the great powers, from a Southern perspective, Hassan ZAOUAL

N 209: The impact of past results on the investor’s risk aversion, Eric VERNIER,  Aymeric BOUCHIE DE BELLE

N 208: Mission-driven capitalism for small business owners in the U.S., Jim SAWYER

N 207: Measurement of ethical concerns in the context of consumption: a state of the art, Virgine DELBENDE, Maud HERBERT

N 206: Technological innovations, mobility and skilled labour demand: an analysis of Tunisian industries, Sami SAAFI

N 205: A Socioeconomic analysis of the craft enterprise. Methodology, theoretical foundations and application, Sophie BOUTILLIER, Claude FOURNIER

N 204: Governance and mutual insurance companies. The case of french interprofessional federation of mutual insurance, Philippe NASZALYI