N°258 The role ont the state in the promotion of the pharmaceutical sector in Algeria: What does the sectorial systems of innovation approach teach us? Samia GHARBI
N°257 Clustering policy and sectorial systems of innovation in Poland: the case of the ICTS in Gdansk, Maria LOREK
N°256 Koltsovo: A regional actor of the promotion of biotechnologies in Russia, Guillem ACHERMANN
N°255 Globalization of R&D and collaborative innovation: the expansion of the firm’s boundaries, Dimitri UZUNIDIS, Sophie BOUTILLIER
N°254 Business creation in Dunkirk (Northern – France). The strength of weak ties? Sophie BOUTILLIER
N°253 Telework as an axis of collaborative construction of proximity, Serge LE ROUX
N°252 Microsoft: towards an innovation ecosystem, Forian BEAUBOIS
N°251 The political economy, under the light of founder’s choices, and their methodology directed to conceptual work, Eric THOSUN MANDRARA
N°250 Managing innovation. Components miniaturization and evolution of microcomputing, Kevin VERMAST.
N°249 Permanent innovation: a strong axis of the enterprise. The case of Intel, Laurent POUILLY
N°248: Drugs patentability, innovation and the future of the pharmaceutical industry in Tunisia, Nejla YACOUB
N°247: From the society of entrepreneurs to the entrepreneurial society. An essay on the analysis of the entrepreneur’s function in the economic dynamics, Sophie BOUTILLIER, Dimitri UZUNIDIS.