RII’s Working Papers


N°274 The poles of growth and conversion of industrial territories in a “new” market economy: a study on the case of Gdansk (Poland), Maria LOREK

N°273 Environmental Innovation and the Economic Transition of the Industrial and Port Areas: The Case of Gdansk (Poland), Maria LOREK

N°272 The place of environmental protection within industrial and innovation policy in Russia and in China, Guillem ACHERMANN, Zeting LIU

N°271 China’s Innovation Policy and The Challenge of Energy Transition : The Case of Photovoltaic and Wind Turbine Industries, Zeting LIU

N°270 Firm Resources’ Entanglement Determines ITS Absorptive Capacity: A Review Towards A New Reconceptualization, Hammady Ahmed DINE RABEH

N°269 The challenges of intellectual property in plant seeds, Serge CAPOT, Didier PERUS

N°268 The territorial innovation system in Russia: sovietism to capitalism, Guillem ACHERMANN

N°267  Women entrepreneurship case study (DUNKIRK – NORTH – FRANCE), Sophie BOUTILLIER

N°266 The position of SMES within the innovation policy in China, Zeting LIU

N°265 Business création in Dunkirk (North of France) : The long way from the salaried society to the entrepreneurial society, Sophie BOUTILLIER

N°264 Technology transfer and mobile phone development in China : the case of Huawei, Shaolong WANG

N°263 Green chemistry: a new industry of substitute, Clément WILS

N°262 Disneyland’s worldwide implementation strategy innovation of adaptation to regional and national context, Christopher HERBEZ

N°261 The territorial innovation system, Guillem ACHERMANN

N°260 Development of a new generation of gas sensors. Environmental consequences, Aimad BIADA

N°259 The management of the Bank of Central African States and principles of good gouvernance, Mahamat MASSOUD