RII’s Working Papers


N°286 Industrialization and sustainability of the wood industry in Cameroon, Antoine MAHAILLET

N°285 The triple helix model applied to the territory: issue, limits and integration of new explanatory variables, Guillem ACHERMANN

N°284 Industrial ecology and sustainable territorial development: The role of services, Blandine LAPERCHE, Antje BURMEISTER, Céline MERLIN-BROGNIART, Fédoua KASMI

N°283 Sustainable entrepreneurial territory. Theoretical bases and economic analysis, Sophie BOUTILLIER, Dimitri UZUNIDIS

N°282 Economic behaviour and social structures (Andre Nicolaï): The entrepreneur and « his » system, Sophie BOUTILLIER, Dimitri UZUNIDIS

N°281 At the origins of the food industry the trajectory of four historical entrepreneurs – an analysis based on the potential of resources, Sophie BOUTILLIER, Dimitri UZUNIDIS

N°280 Chinese industrial and innovation policies in the transition toward green growth, Zeting LIU

N°279 The difficult promotion of innovative smes in Algeria, Amina AISSAT LEGHIMA

N°278 Eco-building: the new materials to save energy, Rachel ZANNAKIS

N°277 The combination of innovations in a motor product system : the case of the Bugatti Veyron, Florent LEMIR

N°276 Innovation strategy and leadership: the case of ArcelorMittal, leader in the steel sector, Anthony WIDEHEM

N°275 Evolution of Medical Electronics and Innovations Applied To Mobility: The Case of Exoskeleton, Pauline BRYSSE