RII’s Working Papers


N°298 Silver economy and technological change, Blandine LAPERCHE

N°297 How MNC’s capabilities to build international innovation networks impact their innovation strategies: An emphasis on the South, Hammady Ahmed DINE RABEH

N°296 The major stages of the economic analysis of the territory, Sophie BOUTILLIER

N°295 Entrepreneurship and geront’innovations: the case of welfare robotics, Sophie BOUTILLIER, Dimitri UZUNIDIS

N°294 Connected objects, start-up development and impacts on the evolution of home automation, Morand MULLET

N°293 Products innovation in bio-based chemistry as a subtitute to plastics, Manon JUBIEN

N°292 The Chinese market as an opportunity of development for the French agro-food sector, Rodolphe VAN RESPAILLE

N°291 The use of wood in green building: a complementary and/or a substituable material for reducing the environmental impact of buildings, Maxime DULIEU

N°290 Implementing ERP. An analysis of the technical and organizational impacts on the performances of industrial companies, Franck LOCHET

N°289 Guyancourt technocentre’s contribution to strengthening Renault’s innovation capacity, Ismail ELHSSANI

N°288 3D printing as a means of changes in production processes, Saïd BOUGOUR

N°287 Development of solar energy in rural areas of Senegal, Mamadou KEBE


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