RII’s Working Papers


N 136: The Cotonou Agreements and decentralized Cooperation in sub-saharian Africa Alioune BA, Abdoulaye BA

N° 135: How to reveal the new enterprises structure Chrystelle GAUJARD

N 134: Innovative destinations and development of tourism Jean-Marie HAZEBROUCQ

N 133: The nature of Innovation Rémy Volpi

N 132: For a European Law Code favourable to Business. A comparative approach of Justinian and Napoleonian mortgages Valerius M. CIUCA

N 131: Response behavior of the human subject. The Consumer Case Maud Herbert

N 130: Employee’s Engagement in a Small Enterprise Joël Marcq

N 129: Can development be sustainable? The Civilization of Diversity Hassan Zaoual

N 128: The history of Ecology. A Field of Research in Expansion Patrick MATAGNE

N 127: The potential of resources of the craftsman entrepreneur in the territorial system of production Sophie BOUTILLIER, Dimitri UZUNIDIS

N 126: Innovation and Smes. The role of managerial and industrial accompaniment Gérard DOKOU

N 125: Technology in Today’s Economy. The Fourth Stage in the Organisation of Production Dimitri UZUNIDIS

N 124: The future of social relations in French entreprises (France) Alban GOGUEL d’ALLONDANS

N 123: Informal quality in the enterprises of the « Nord/Pas-de-Calais » region (France) Sophie BOUTILLIER

N 122: The strategic base of starting in the small company Badi MELIANI

N 121: Democratization of Luxury Eric VERNIER, Pierre GHEWY

N 120: Enterprise revival and relational competencies of the new manager Delphine CABARET-GOURDON

N 119: Quality as an industrial standard Sophie BOUTILLIER

N 118: The transfer of identification to the brand in the case of brand alliances Pierre Ghewy

N 117: The University Researcher and the Craftsman Claude FOURNIER

N 116: Knowledge and Research. The place of Women. Case study: University of Littoral Côte d’Opale (Nord/Pas-de-Calais) Sophie BOUTILLIER, Blandine LAPERCHE

N 115: From the Social Capital to the Potential of Ressources: Entrepreneurship Society, Quid of Social Economy Sophie BOUTILLIER

N 114: Europeanisation of SMEs: Information Tool an Method of Analysis Blandine LAPERCHE, Christine BARTHELET-VENON