Title: Innovations. Journal of Innovation Economics & Management (I-JIEM)
Language: English
Disciplines: Economics, management, sociology of organizations
3 issues per year
More information: OURS
JIEM is linked to Innovations. Revue d’Economie et de Management de l’Innovation (I-REMI) supported by laboratoire de Recherche sur l’Industrie et l’Innovation (Lab.RII)
JIEM is co-edited by the Research Network on Innovation (RRI) and De Boeck Université. It is downloadable on Cairn
The Journal is indexed in the AERES (French Evaluation Agency for Research and Higer Education), the CNRS (French National Center for Scientific Research), the FNEGE (French National Fondation for Management Education) and EconLit
To submit a paper (in English) to the Journal of Innovation Economics & Management : click here
Guideline for authors: https://www.cairn.info/docs/Instructions_for_authorsGB110816.pdf
Innovation is defined by the creation and commercialization of a new product and new technologies, the use of new production processes and labour inputs or the entering in new markets. Knowledge economy implies that innovation is more and more the outcome of interaction between firms, universities, public institutions and consumers. Networks of innovation create new knowledge and commercialise it, embodied in new modes of production and distribution. Innovation stems from technological, organizational and distributional change.
JIEM is a lieu of discussion of new innovation strategies of firms and organization which have an impact on the economy and society.
How do firms conceive innovation processes? How does innovation impact on firms’ competitiveness and performance? The journal hosts contributions to the analysis of the realisation of innovation, strategies of appropriation and those of diffusion of knowledge at an international scale, where MNCs dominate the competition context and high skilled human resources are a precious asset to survive.
JIEM readers will enjoy as well discussions on the most appropriate management tools to have a better understanding of how to operationalise and implement innovation.
JIEM is keen in promoting a multidisciplinary approach and methodology which illustrate firms technological opportunities, organizational strategies and integrated management of research and development projects, marketing and finance. JIEM is devoted to promote a debate on innovation, both theoretical and empirical.
Technological change, entrepreneurship, firms strategies, public policies and more in general the evolution of the economies and societies are the issues to be explored within JIEM.
Climate Change. Innovation Challenges
Innovations. Journal of Innovation Economics & Management n°24, 2017/3 Éditeur : De Boeck Supérieur |
Innovation Boosters in Economic Systems
Innovations. Journal of Innovation Economics & Management n°23, 2017/2 Éditeur : De Boeck Supérieur |
Techno-Scientific Culture and Innovation
Innovations. Journal of Innovation Economics and Management n°22, 2017/1 Editor: De Boeck Supérieur |
Grassroots Innovation Processes
Journal of Innovation Economics & Management n°21, 2016/3 Editeur: De Boeck Supérieur |
Industrial Structures, Business Strategies and Innovation
Innovations. Journal of Innovation Economics & Management n°20, 2016/2 Editeur: De Boeck Supérieur |
Knowledge based innovation processes
Innovatioins. Journal of Innovation Economics & Management n°19, 2016/1 Editeur: De Boeck Supérieur |
Creativity in entrepreneurship
Innovatioins. Journal of Innovation Economics & Management n°18, 2015/3 Editeur: De Boeck Supérieur |
Intellectual Capital and Business Innovation
Innovatioins. Journal of Innovation Economics & Management n°17, 2015/2 Editeur: De Boeck Supérieur |
Innovation Nexus. Policies and Strategies
Innovatioins. Journal of Innovation Economics & Management n°16, 2015/1 Editeur: De Boeck Supérieur |
Science and Innovation
Innovatioins. Journal of Innovation Economics & Management n°15, 2014/3 Editeur: De Boeck Supérieur |
Innovative entrepreneurship
Innovatioins. Journal of Innovation Economics & Management n°14, 2014/2 Editeur: De Boeck Supérieur |
International trends on innovation management
Innovatioins. Journal of Innovation Economics & Management n°13, 2014/1 Editeur: De Boeck Supérieur |
Dowload papers on Cairn’s Website
Issue n°1, 2008/1: The Economic Performances of Russia
Issue n°2, 2008/2: Dynamics of innovation and new forms of organisation and governance of the firm
Issue n°3, 2009/1 : Sustainable development and innovation. Concepts and context
Issue n°4, 2009/2 : Networks, Innovation and Clusters
Issue n°5, 2010/1: Innovations and Performances in Services
Issue n°6, 2010/2: The Global Crisis and Financing Strategies
Issue n°7, 2011/1: Rethinking Foundaries for Innovation
Issue n°8, 2011/2: Environment, innovation and sustainable development
Issue n°9, 2012/1: Innovation Processes and Institutions
Issue n°10, 2012/2: Global R&D and Open Innovation Systems
Issue n°11, 2013/1: Innovations in microfinance and the financial context
Issue n°12, 2013/2: Defence, Innovations and Growth
Issue n°13, 2014/1: International trends on innovation management
Issue n°14, 2014/2: Innovative entrepreneurship
Issue n°15, 2014/3: Science and Innovation
Issue n°16, 2015/1 : Innovation Nexus. Policies and Strategies
Issue n°17, 2015/2: Intellectual Capital and Business Innovation
Issue n°18, 2015/3: Creativity in entrepreneurship
Issue n°19, 2016/1: Knowledge based innovation processes
Issue n°20, 2016/2: Industrial Structures, Business Strategies and Innovation
Issue n°21, 2016/3: Grassroots Innovation Processes
Issue n°22, 2017/1: Techno-Scientific Culture and Innovation
Issue n°23, 2017/2: Innovation Boosters in Economic Systems
Issue n°24, 2017/3: Climate Change. Innovation Challenges
Directeur de la publication / Director : Dimitri UZUNIDIS
Rédactrices en chef / Editors in chief : Blandine LAPERCHE et Sophie MIGNON
Rédacteurs / Associate editors : Céline MERLIN, Stephen BONES, Jerry COURVISANOS, Sophie REBOUD, Corinne TANGUY
Administration technique / Technical administration : Tiphaine JAHIER
Secrétariat de rédaction / Journal secretary : Julia COOPER, Hammady Ahmed DINE RABEH, Claude FOURNIER, Serge LE ROUX, Zeting LIU, Nathalie LIVOURY, Maria LOREK
Réseau de Recherche sur l’Innovation
39, rue Gaspard NEUTS
59240 Dunkerque, France
Nadine LEVRATTO (coord.), Pierre BARBAROUX, Sophie BOUTILLIER, Thierry BURGER-HELMCHEN, Marc-Hubert DEPRET, Faridah DJELLAL, Alexander EBNER, Joëlle FOREST, Delphine GALLAUD, Gilles GAREL, Benoît GODIN, Anne GRATACAP, Luiza Maria HENRIQUES, Laure MOREL, Francis MUNIER, Fabienne PICARD, Maria SAVONA, Francesco SCHIAVONE, Ludovic TEMPLE, Leïla TEMRI, Elisabeth WALLISER
Comité de Rédaction / Comité Scientifique et Editorial